
Why is IT called "Electronic Reference Point"?









     Do you know why the Japanese GNSS CORS is called "Electronic Reference Point"?


 A reference point is a permanent facility that has been given accurate location information, such as a triangulation point or level point used in surveying. The difference between Electronic Reference Point and conventional reference points is it requires a power supply and communication lines or not, observing radio signals from GNSS satellites or not. To describe all these in short, I guess the only way was to use the vague term "electron".


  For a long time, only professionals were involved in useing Electronic Reference Points, few knows it is intersting! However, I came to realize that this is something that not only a for professionals. It has a surprisingly great role to play. As I dig deeper into this, I feel that I will be able to and I have to explain about this as important  building blocks of our society, now and a future.


 I hope that this site will be an opportunity to increase the number of fans of these humble and unassuming powerhouses of Electronic Reference Points, officialy called as "GEONET Stations".