”.. and Friends"とあるのは、国土地理院の電子基準点のほか、気象庁のアメダスや気象レーダー、ウインドプロファイラ、防災科研の強震ネットワークなど、全国規模の観測網の観測点座標値を登録しています。他にも民間の気象サービスや鉄道・エネルギーなどのインフラ企業、雷の観測ネットワークなどもあるようですが、カバーしきれていません。
The map above shows the GEONET Stations plotted using the "MyMaps" feature of Google Maps (a private GIS service, so to speak).
You can see the stations are arranged to cover whole of Japan, a mesh with an average distance of 20 km.
I named this map "GEONET Stations and Friends". Because I add the informations about JMA's AMeDAS, weather radar, wind profiler, and the K-NET Stations of NIED.
There are also meteorological, earthquake and lightning observation by private infrastructure companies such as railroads, energy and electoric power. But they are not fully covered.
If the coordinate values of observation stations are too old, before the transition to the World Geodetic System in 2000, there may be a gap up to several hundred meters in the map display.
The following is the "GSI Maps", by the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan.